Pros and Cons of Hormonal Vs. Nonhormonal Birth Control

Pros and Cons of Hormonal Vs. Nonhormonal Birth Control

Pros and Cons of Hormonal Vs. Nonhormonal Birth Control

Pros and Cons of Hormonal Vs. Nonhormonal Birth Control

There are many birth control options, and every woman can find a solution that works for them. When making the choice, you must decide whether you want hormonal or nonhormonal birth control. Hormonal birth control reduces the chances of getting pregnant by preventing or reducing ovulation. Nonhormonal methods physically prevent sperm from reaching the egg. 

Birth Control Methods 

Controlling when you become pregnant is essential for your health, and it can affect the child you conceive. If you are looking for a birth control method, you should know the options available and understand how they work. 

There are nonhormonal and hormonal birth control methods, and the choice is personal for every woman. What works for one woman may not work for another. The choice can change depending on the individual’s current circumstances. 

Hormonal Birth Control 

Hormonal birth control reduces the chance of pregnancy by preventing ovulation. The control technique can thicken the cervical mucus, which blocks sperm from reaching the egg. They can also thin or change the uterine lining, which prevents fertilized eggs from attaching. The actions significantly reduce the risk of getting pregnant. Hormonal birth control uses synthetic hormones that are similar to estrogen and progesterone, which are naturally produced by the body.

Nonhormonal Birth Control 

Nonhormonal birth control works by physically keeping the viable sperm from reaching the egg. It includes devices or barrier methods that block semen from getting into the cervix. It also involves chemicals that kill the sperm. The method does not affect the woman’s hormones. Some nonhormonal birth control methods, such as condoms, can help to reduce the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted infections.  

Pros of Hormonal Birth Control

Birth control pills can be 99% effective. They have high success rates when used correctly. A wide range of options include birth control pills, IUDs, implants, rings, injections, and patches. The birth control can help with other conditions, such as heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia), cramping, headaches, and irregular periods. Some oral contraceptives can reduce the risk of some cancers.

Cons of Hormonal Birth Control 

·       Potential side effects include nausea, spotting, headaches, weight gain, breast tenderness, and irregular periods. Others are ovarian cysts, cramping, pain, and mood changes.

·       Risk of certain health conditions may increase, such as blood clots, stroke, heart disease, liver tumors, and fever. 

·       The results may not be immediate. 

·       They can increase the risk of cervical and breast cancer. 

·       They can cause fertility delays after stopping. 

·       They do not protect against STIs. 


Pros of Nonhormonal Birth Control 

Nonhormonal birth control has many options, including condoms, diaphragms, and cervical caps. There are no side effects associated with these methods. They can be used when needed, and they are effective immediately. They also do not affect the fertility cycle. Some methods, such as condoms, can protect against STIs. 

Cons of Nonhormonal Birth Control

·       The efficacy varies, with some methods providing between 70% to 86% protection. 

·       Abstinence requires behavioral or lifestyle changes. 

·       Methods like tubal ligation can be costly.

·       Side effects may include irritation and increased risk of UTIs. 

·       The method requires frequent or consistent use. 

Your doctor can provide valuable information on the best birth control method. For more on the pros and cons of hormonal and nonhormonal birth control, visit Katie Ostrom MD, LLC, at our office in Homer, Alaska. Call (907) 435-0555 to book an appointment today. 

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